Reason and Responsibility. Tribute to Rosemary Rizo-Patrón de Lerner.

Mariana Chu García, Germán Vargas Guillén(editores)
Bogotá / Lima: Aula de Humanidades / Fondo Editorial PUCP, 2022

Rosemary Rizo-Patrón‘s work revolves around Husserlian phenomenology and its foundational project. Rizo-Patrón’s interpretation of that project shows that the acts of theoretical-cognitive reason, axiological-emotive reason, and practical-volitional reason tend towards evidence and are inseparable from the concept of responsibility. Under the title “Reason and Responsibility,” the editors of this volume bring together the works of nineteen specialists who pay homage to the life and work of Rizo-Patrón, grouping them into four parts: “The Task of Reason,” “Husserlian Reflections,” “Readings and Debates,” and “Resonances.”