05 de July de 2023

Call for Proposals for the XIX Conafil:

The academic community, especially those dedicated to philosophy, social sciences, and humanities, are invited to participate in the XIX National Philosophy Congress. We invite you to submit proposals within the following deadlines:

  • Submission of abstracts and articles: Until August 31.
  • Reviewer’s response: Until September 30.
  • Submission of the final version: Until October 31.

You can find detailed information about the thematic axes, participation costs, and registration process at the following link: Link to the XIX National Philosophy Congress.

Pre-Conafil 2023-2 Events:

As part of the preparation for the congress, a series of free webinars are being organized via Zoom. These events aim to generate a dialogue among peers and address topics related to the philosophy congress. The dynamics consist of a 20-minute presentation followed by a 40-minute question and answer session with the audience.

To participate in the August-November schedule, we invite you to send the following information to the email address xixconafil@ulima.edu.pe before July 15, 2023: speaker’s full name, tentative date and time of the event, and topic to be presented.

We look forward to your participation and contribution to this important academic gathering.